
Wholesale Buying and Easy Selling of Used Boxes with Seller Wanted Listings

BoxCycle got a significant new piece of functionality today: Seller Wanted Listings. Existing sellers can now request specific boxes they want to buy and anyone can sell matching boxes to them. Seller Wanted Listing Transactions use essentially the same checkout system, order management system, and processing rules as normal Retail Orders with buyer and seller roles reversed.

You can find details on the BoxCycle Buying and Selling Used Boxes with Wanted Listings Help Page.


Most people who contact us about selling boxes just want to drop them off somewhere or, if possible, get them picked up. They are generally more concerned with convenience than with profit. Seller Wanted Listings fill their need. Sellers can see matching buyers in their area, schedule an appointment, and submit their request online. No account is required.


Seller Wanted Listings enable Wholesale Purchases through BoxCycle. While prices on BoxCycle are generally very competitive for retail purchases, they are usually too high to enable buying for resale through the site. Seller Wanted Listings enable resale buying. They also allow sellers to get boxes they need for themselves very cheaply. It isn’t unusual for businesses to constantly want to get rid of certain box sizes while always needing other sizes.


These may be removed in future revisions based on feedback, but for this first release:

  • Buyers cannot set a minimum order. However, small orders aren’t likely since sellers pay a fee to place an order.
  • Prices are set at approximately 10% of list price and cannot be adjusted.
  • Retail Delivery and Wanted Pickup cannot be separated. If you offer Delivery for your Retail Listing, you will also be offering Pickup for your Wanted Listing under the same terms.
  • Unflattened boxes must be accepted, though buyers can pay up to 50% less for them.
  • Expiration Date, Auto-Confirm, and Lead-Time settings are shared between Retail and Wanted listings.

Process and Fees

Sellers pay a $10 commission on successful sales with their payment details collected during order placement. Although it’s unusual to give payment details when selling, this is essential for us to be able to get a high level of commitment from sellers and enforce fees for unreliable behavior, much like we do with Retail Orders. This fee also has the effect of encouraging larger transactions.

Ordering process and management is very similar to Retail Orders with buyer and seller roles reversed. Buyers will hopefully only see a minimally higher time involvement for these orders. The main differences are that buyers pay sellers directly at meeting in cash and both parties have more freedom to resolve issues at meeting without our involvement.

Buyers do not not pay fees for Wanted Orders of 200 boxes or less unless they charge for Pickup. In that case we’ll collect Pickup charges from the seller at order time (to make sure the buyer gets paid for pickup if the seller flakes) and charge a 5% commission on the collected amount.

If the order is over 200 boxes, BoxCycle charges the buyer a $5 commission for each block of 100 boxes after the first 200 with a $30 maximum. This fee is collected during order confirmation.


Although there is some overlap, Seller Wanted Listings and our Retail Seller Listings are focused on different kinds of transactions. Seller Wanted Listings are optimized around connecting buyers who continuously need boxes for resale or use with, often one-time, retail sellers. In contrast, our Retail Seller Listings are optimized around connecting sellers with a continuous supply of boxes with, often one-time, retail buyers.

We look forward to your feedback to help us improve this feature over the coming months.

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