Nov 28, 2008
Don’t Want to Break Down Used Boxes? No Problem!
Before disposing of used boxes you are typically required to flatten them. Recyclers, garbage collectors, pickup services, and individuals usually expect flattened boxes. While most people are happy to break down boxes since they are bulky and difficult to store, some prefer to not bother. The latest upgrade to BoxCycle supports listing boxes without breaking them down first. BoxCycle will show these... read more
Nov 12, 2008
San Francisco Green Festival
Green Festival is the largest sustainability event in the world according to their site: http://www.greenfestivals.org/about/ and it’s coming to San Francisco November 14-16. Unfortunately, BoxCycle won’t have a booth at the Green Festival this year. We found out about it with too little time to adequately prepare, especially given all the other work that needs to be done. However, I’ll... read more
Nov 4, 2008
Support for New Boxes and Actual Dimensions
There have been a number of improvements to BoxCycle since our launch about a month ago. Today we are happy to annouce the first major enhancement in functionality: support for different box conditions and actual sizes. Box Condition We’ve added two new conditions to go along with ‘Used’: ‘Inspected’ and ‘New’. New boxes were never used. Inspected boxes are... read more