Apr 22, 2016
Corrugated Sheets and Pads
BoxCycle now supports selling Corrugated Sheets and Pads. These are used to stiffen envelopes, separate and protect layers on pallets, as well as for a variety of craft projects. Usually, they are sheets of corrugated cardboard though some are made of other materials. We’ve had requests to sell these for a while, but it’s taken a bit of time since they are more difficult to add than regular... read more
Jan 14, 2016
Faster Servers, Ruby 2.2.3, and More
Over the past 6 weeks or so we’ve made a number of changes to make BoxCycle run faster. The end result is that access time, at least for basic pages measured by our regular ping tests, was cut nearly in half. The site now feels much faster and should be much better able to handle traffic spikes. The most significant change has been to upgrade to newer, much faster servers running newer, more... read more
Oct 4, 2015
Mobile Support, More Responsive Design, and Rails 4.2.4
Today we released a major update to BoxCycle. The most notable user-facing improvements are support for mobile devices, more responsive design across screen sizes, and geolocation support. Although this update leaves some imperfections in mobile and responsive design, we hope that it significantly enhances the mobile experience and gives us a strong base from which to grow. On the technical end, google... read more
May 9, 2014
Dynamic Default Minimum Order
Since launch we had a very small minimum order of $2. We wanted to make sure that anyone could make their boxes available for reuse. If someone wanted to go through the effort with small quantities, we did not want to stay in their way. And this isn’t changing – our minimum order remains $2. But we’ve changed our default minimum order to $10. Most sellers stick with defaults and many... read more
May 5, 2014
Cash on Pickup Expanded Beta
We are expanding our beta of Cash on Pickup feature from a small group of sellers to all sellers that have at least one successful transaction and decide to accept Cash on Pickup. Cash on Pickup allows buyers to pay for their order at their pickup appointment. Sellers should review the tradeoffs and caveats in our original Cash on Pickup post to decide if this feature is for them. Sellers must have... read more