
Wholesale Buying and Easy Selling of Used Boxes with Seller Wanted Listings

BoxCycle got a significant new piece of functionality today: Seller Wanted Listings. Existing sellers can now request specific boxes they want to buy and anyone can sell matching boxes to them. Seller Wanted Listing Transactions use essentially the same checkout system, order management system, and processing rules as normal Retail Orders with buyer and seller roles reversed. You can find details on the... read more

Sell Your Used Packing Supplies

BoxCycle sellers can now list their used (or new) packing supplies as well as their boxes. Buyers frequently want to pickup packing supplies with their purchase and many sellers are happy to get rid of their packing material from moving or shipping. You can find a new category called Packing Supplies in the list of box types. At this time we support the following types of supplies: Packing Paper (Sheets... read more

Months of Frustration or How BoxCycle Got a Speed Boost

The last few months have been pretty exciting for BoxCycle. We are seeing more visits, more listings, and more orders and we are refining the process to help us keep up and provide the best possible experience for buyers and sellers. Unfortunately, the last few months have also been maddening. Just as traffic improved, website performance became slow and unreliable. We tried a number of things to improve... read more

Keep Last Modified Dates with Capistrano Deploy and SVN/Git

BoxCycle is a Rails application that just switched to Git from SVN for version control and uses Capistrano to help automate deployment. Problem: Deploy Updates Last Modified Dates on All Files As shocking as it may seem, when you deploy a new version of your app, there is a good chance that Last Modified dates of all files will be updated to the date of deployment even though most of those files did not... read more

Advanced List Makes Listing Boxes Easier for Professional Sellers

Our Standard Listing process was designed to help people unfamiliar with the box business to quickly and correctly post their inventory. Additional options, like box details and custom pricing become editable after the listing is created. However, there is a large number of professionals in the box business – manufacturers, resellers, recyclers, etc. – who know exactly what they are listing... read more