May 16, 2012
BoxCycle Upgrades to Rails 3.2.3 and Ruby 1.9.3
With the high priority features and process improvements complete and stable, we took the opportunity to bring our technology stack up to date. Rails 2 to 3 upgrade is a significant undertaking. Ruby 1.8 to 1.9 upgrade is less strenuous, but still creates a number of code changes and pitfalls. To ease this transition, we delayed the upgrade until BoxCycle was at a stable point and the community and... read more
May 23, 2011
Keep Last Modified Dates with Capistrano Deploy and SVN/Git
BoxCycle is a Rails application that just switched to Git from SVN for version control and uses Capistrano to help automate deployment. Problem: Deploy Updates Last Modified Dates on All Files As shocking as it may seem, when you deploy a new version of your app, there is a good chance that Last Modified dates of all files will be updated to the date of deployment even though most of those files did not... read more
Jul 8, 2009
Permission Denied During Rails Freeze Gems
Hopefully, this will save some Rails programmers a bit of searching. Permission denied – activesupport-2.3.2 or activesupport error when trying to run rake rails:freeze:gems? For solution refer to http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/184589 . In a nutshell, you need to edit line 28 of rubylibrubygems1.8gemsrails-2.3.2libtasksframework.rake to include sleep(5) between the Gem::GemRunner line and the mv... read more
May 9, 2009
Rails Plugin Updates, SVN, and Piston 2.0.2 on Windows
I haven’t done a programming related blog entry until this one. Why? First, I want to keep this blog focused on BoxCycle and environmental issues. Second, I haven’t had much time, as is evident from lack of posts on environmental issues. Finally, I haven’t run into much that I couldn’t find an answer to with a few searches and I am not fond of duplicating effort just to get a... read more