Currently Browsing: Programming

Permission Denied During Rails Freeze Gems

Hopefully, this will save some Rails programmers a bit of searching. Permission denied – activesupport-2.3.2 or activesupport error when trying to run rake rails:freeze:gems?  For solution refer to .  In a nutshell, you need to edit line 28 of rubylibrubygems1.8gemsrails-2.3.2libtasksframework.rake to include sleep(5) between the Gem::GemRunner line and the mv... read more

Rails Plugin Updates, SVN, and Piston 2.0.2 on Windows

I haven’t done a programming related blog entry until this one.  Why?  First, I want to keep this blog focused on BoxCycle and environmental issues.  Second, I haven’t had much time, as is evident from lack of posts on environmental issues.  Finally, I haven’t run into much that I couldn’t find an answer to with a few searches and I am not fond of duplicating effort just to get a... read more