
New Reminders and Better Phone and SMS Scheduling

Phone Notification of Order Confirmation

Buyers already receive an email (and sms if they provide a mobile number) when their order is confirmed and can track order status online. Now buyers without sms will receive a phone call when their order is confirmed if the confirmation occurs close to appointment time. This makes sure that if email is delayed, or if the buyer doesn’t check it, they will still be aware of their updated order status.

Buyer Appointment Reminders

Buyers now also receive another sms or phone call shortly before their appointment to serve as a reminder. To keep messaging to a minimum this reminder is only sent if order confirmation didn’t occur too recently.

Improved Scheduling

Our core focus is saving time and minimizing frustration for customers. We put a lot of thought in to make sure not only that buyers and sellers get the communication they need, but that they don’t get more communication than is required and that it occurs at times that make sense.

Our calls to sellers always took calling hours into account. Now text messages do as well. And of course new calls to buyers. If an event occurs at unreasonable hours, we’ll delay the notification until hours are more reasonable so you don’t get a call or a text message at 3am. But if time to appointment is short and the situation demands it, we’ll process the call or sms later or earlier in the day. We take into account a lot of information to make the best guess of a contact time that will minimize frustration while retaining usefulness.

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