Reduced Prices on Smaller Moving Boxes
To better match the current market and encourage sales BoxCycle has reduced default prices on a few box types as follows:
- Extra Small Moving Box – From $0.75 to $0.50
- Small Moving Box – From $1.00 to $0.75
- Box 14-17″ – From $0.60 to $0.50
- Box 18-23″ – From $0.90 to $0.75
This change does not force sellers to reduce their profit. This change reduces our commission on these box types since our commission is a percentage of the default price.
New listings of these box types will default to lower prices and lower profit. Sellers can continue to charge whatever they like using our Custom Profit and Custom Price features.
Existing Listings
There is no seller profit impact on existing listings. Inventory with custom prices has been updated to a lower buyer price to reflect our lower commission. Inventory with automatic pricing has been converted to custom prices. In both cases, buyer price has been reduced while seller profit remains the same; no seller action is required. However, we encourage sellers who previously used automatic pricing to review their listings and consider switching back to make sure their listing stays competitive with new sellers who are likely to use the lower default prices.
Please note that disabled inventory that uses automatic pricing has not be updated (unless part of a kit) and will use new defaults if re-enabled.
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