Jun 4, 2009
New Box Properties: Wall Thickness and Color
We’ve added the ability for sellers to specify wall thickness and color of their boxes. Along with providing buyers with additional information, this will allow better matching of new listings with Boxes Wanted requests. Double-wall and triple-wall boxes are priced at a 35% and 50% premium over list price if automatic pricing is used. We’ve removed the separate box types for Double-Wall... read more
May 9, 2009
Rails Plugin Updates, SVN, and Piston 2.0.2 on Windows
I haven’t done a programming related blog entry until this one. Why? First, I want to keep this blog focused on BoxCycle and environmental issues. Second, I haven’t had much time, as is evident from lack of posts on environmental issues. Finally, I haven’t run into much that I couldn’t find an answer to with a few searches and I am not fond of duplicating effort just to get a... read more
May 7, 2009
Pictures of Used Boxes Help Buyers and Sellers
Having pictures of boxes has been the plan since launch. People tend to have a hard time visualizing box sizes from types and dimensions alone. They need a point of reference – how big is the box compared to a person or a common object? We’ve had mistakes made by both buyers and sellers because of incorrect assumptions about box sizes. Hopefully, no more. I am happy to say that the first... read more
May 1, 2009
New Screencasts Show How to Buy and Sell Boxes
We’ve added videos to the BoxCycle front page to help potential buyers and sellers understand the service. Videos go through the purchase and selling process so customers can see how everything works in advance. These screencasts also address common questions and misunderstandings we’ve seen so far. You can also find and share these videos through the BoxCycle YouTube channel. We used the... read more
Apr 15, 2009
Set Custom Box Prices to Give Required Profit
BoxCycle has added an easy way to set box prices to meet seller’s specific profit requirements. The Edit Box screen now offers a Custom Profit pricing option along with Automatic and Custom Price options. The seller simply enters the profit they need to earn to make selling the box worthwhile and BoxCycle will calculate the appropriate buyer price taking into account BoxCycle commission. The... read more