Apr 14, 2010
Time Zone Support and A+ Sellers
Since the last post, most of the updates to BoxCycle have been small usability improvements and internal process improvements. The most interesting customer facing feature we’ve added is A+ Sellers. I have a well-developed idea of a rating system BoxCycle will use in the future to relay seller performance to buyers, giving them additional information relevant during order placement. However, I... read more
Dec 19, 2009
How to Think About Environmental Issues
I recently read Sustainable Energy – Without the Hot Air. When I saw this book, I knew I found a gold-mine. The author attempts to determine the viability of renewable energy by calculating and comparing possible production with current consumption. The book centers on the U.K., but is easy to extend worldwide. The approach is empirical, well researched, yet accessible enough. In the process,... read more
Nov 13, 2009
Driving Directions, Seller Surveys, Appointment Reminders
It’s been another busy month. Here are some of the bigger improvements introduced to BoxCycle since the last post. Buyers Can Get Driving Time and Directions Prior to Ordering Location information is crucial for buyers. Distances and zoomable map of seller locations provide much of what is needed, but there are a few issues. Distance is direct ‘as the crow flies’, not driving... read more
Oct 10, 2009
No More PayPal Fees, Order Import, and More
With order management out of the way I am in the zone. Revelations, solutions, and updates seem to come easy. Most of them are hiding quietly in the background, but there are some worth mentioning. Order Import is “Finished”! All the order history has now been imported into our new online system. Sellers can see all their orders, get accurate balance information, and request payments. So... read more
Oct 5, 2009
Order Management is Here!
Online order management I talked about in the last post is now live. It’s going to enable a lot of very cool functionality in the future, but first things first. Here is what it means today. Buyers can: Access up to date order status, status history, and order details online at any time View seller address and get directions for confirmed orders Mark orders complete after pickup or report issues... read more