Sep 24, 2009
Box Order Management Is Coming Plus More Exposure for Sellers
There haven’t been many posts on the blog, but there has been quite a bit of product development happening at BoxCycle. Among the notable improvements released over the last few months is significant additional online exposure sellers now get by listing with us. This was accomplished through improvements to our sitemap generation, addition of seller specific pages, and feeds to a variety of third... read more
Aug 16, 2009
Buyer Appointment Selection Improvements
A while ago I wrote about changes to buyer appointment choice selection. The basic idea worked well, but the initial implementation handled some situations less than ideally. We only used the appointment start time to determine if buyer choices provide a sufficient time range when short-notice and are within seller lead time requirements. With today’s release we started to use the entire range... read more
Jul 16, 2009
Cheap Shipping Boxes – Used and New
Many people think of BoxCycle primarily in the context of moving boxes, but it is also designed to help people sell and find cheap shipping boxes. For example, you can now find a decent variety of new and used shipping boxes in Los Angeles. And if shipping boxes you need aren’t available in your area yet you can create Boxes Wanted listings, which are designed to help large sellers find buyers... read more
Jul 11, 2009
Sell Used Boxes Without Predictable Inventory
Sellers who receive boxes sporadically are quite common. Ideally, we want them to store their boxes and either update their inventory manually or approximate it with an automated schedule. But what typically happens is that boxes are stored for a short period of time and thrown out and the inventory is never updated. It’s hard to expect sellers to store boxes and remember to update inventory if... read more
Jul 8, 2009
Permission Denied During Rails Freeze Gems
Hopefully, this will save some Rails programmers a bit of searching. Permission denied – activesupport-2.3.2 or activesupport error when trying to run rake rails:freeze:gems? For solution refer to http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/184589 . In a nutshell, you need to edit line 28 of rubylibrubygems1.8gemsrails-2.3.2libtasksframework.rake to include sleep(5) between the Gem::GemRunner line and the mv... read more