
Reduced Prices on Smaller Moving Boxes

To better match the current market and encourage sales BoxCycle has reduced default prices on a few box types as follows: Extra Small Moving Box – From $0.75 to $0.50 Small Moving Box – From $1.00 to $0.75 Box 14-17″ – From $0.60 to $0.50 Box 18-23″ – From $0.90 to $0.75 This change does not force sellers to reduce their profit.  This change reduces our commission on... read more

Seller Performance Ratings

BoxCycle now includes key seller performance metrics in listings shown to buyers. This helps buyers determine (1) how quickly the seller is likely to reply and (2) how reliable the seller is likely to be – key concerns in many situations. The reduced uncertainty for buyers should reward high performing sellers with more orders. Each listing now includes some, or all, of the following details: Total... read more

Anonymous Connect: Direct Contact Between Buyers and Sellers

Managing communication between parties is one of the challenges of creating a low-hassle marketplace.  For sale of low-value items like used boxes to be worthwhile to sellers, transactions need to take a minimal amount of time and aggravation. Direct communication can significantly increase the transaction burden for a number of reasons including: Unnecessary communication as people reconfirm information... read more