
Notifications by Text Messaging

We now offer notification options by text message along with email, fax, and phone. Text messaging has a number of advantages over email, especially for time-sensitive communication.  Text messages are typically delivered faster than email.  They are also read sooner, since most people carry their cell phones at all times and not everyone has constant access to email.  Finally, they do not suffer from... read more

Express List Makes It Easy for Resellers to Sell on BoxCycle

BoxCycle makes it easy for businesses to get rid of their unneeded cardboard in a profitable and environmentally friendly way.  It’s designed for busy people who know nothing about the used box business. But it’s also a perfect sales channel for those heavily involved in the box business: resellers of used and overstock boxes, box manufacturers, discount sellers of moving boxes, and more. ... read more

Box Type Categories for Easier Selling

The Box Type display on the Sell Boxes screen has always bothered me. We have over 50 different box types and this list is constantly growing.  To make listing simpler and less overwhelming we default to showing just the 5 most common box types.   Potential sellers had to click on the View All Box Types link to see the entire list, but there were a several problems. Regardless of how hard I tried to make... read more

Box Kit Support Is Here!

Kits are way to sell multiple items as one item.  For example, many companies sell moving boxes in kits with each kit designed for a specific size move.  This makes it easier for buyers who aren’t sure how many boxes they need; if they are moving one bedroom, they just pick the 1 Bedroom Moving Kit.  It works well for companies too since they can prepackage the kits to optimize storage, pickups, and... read more

Sell Used Boxes Without Predictable Inventory

Sellers who receive boxes sporadically are quite common.  Ideally, we want them to store their boxes and either update their inventory manually or approximate it with an automated schedule.  But what typically happens is that boxes are stored for a short period of time and thrown out and the inventory is never updated. It’s hard to expect sellers to store boxes and remember to update inventory if... read more